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the second level dude why is this a rage game.

Can't get out of the first level

he said in his video"this is not going to be a raging game"ITS THE MOST RAGING GAME I HAVE PLAYED

Deleted 162 days ago
Deleted 162 days ago

I guess you could ask

Why did the rocket ship cross the road???

*Ba doom ching!*

Why, just why?

Sneaky ben

we got beaned


Good game, but I have one thing I think could maybe be improved on. It gets pretty frustrating having to complete the first 2 stages again after failing on level 3 because if you make a simple mistake you have to wait until you finish the previous stages again to try and fix it. Other than that it's pretty fun, and a sneaky way to enter your own game jam


I agree with that.


The easy mode is wayyyy too hard

help me

Hard is harder tho.. -_-                                                                                                1/10 Game way too hard.

Benbonk, I would have made a gamejam but i cant participate.

(1 edit)

it wont load for me

edit: it wont load on the app, it works fine on browser


HEY, you entered your own gamejam!!!  YOU SHOULD BE BANNED FROM ITCH.IO!!!!!!!!




if this is a joke it was terrible


hahahaha came here after watching the video


Not bad, but music is pretty annoying. It's also frustrating that you have to do the same level 3 times, and even though the space closes it doesn't really affect how you navigate the level by much. Lots of potential that was missed here

in the video (that benbonk made) he said he mad an easy mode..?

yes, but it's harder than hard mode, it just is.

how do you download it?

Great Game But Needs an easier mode 


Great game 10/10


It was me all along

(1 edit) (+3)



Deleted post



This was Ben bonk all along. Imposter


I won. One hour spent. One fricking hour. Screw you BeanBoi72.


Haha Beans go BRRR


But it wasn't beansboi72😨

it was actually benbonk


A simple idea done very well. Found myself addicted to it after the first couple levels, but couldn't bring myself to finish hard mode fully xD Good job, man!